STAMM annual Management review 2021

As mandated by our by-laws an annual Management review meeting has to be held in the month of May. Review 2021 was held on 28th May 2022 in hybrid mode.
Again all departments presented their reports and deliberated the past and the next steps into the future.
The good news is that we are back to pre-pandemic volumes. Due to market condition the turnover tripled which however did not result in higher profits. Not very good from a business standpoint of view but evidence that STAMM does not exploit the present high price environment especially in the maritime sector which is another point why customers know we have a name to trust. However we show solid growth and earnings.
The subjects of the meeting a year ago “Wellbeing at STAMM” and “Communication” was again in focus. The chairman in this year’s address emphasized on being agile which is above the continued call for innovation. “Today’s market environment as well as the need of our clients and worldwide network of principals and agents demand utmost flexibility. It always was our aim to be different and not get stuck in adverse conditions. Especially ignorance, excuses, complains or fatalism never were characteristics of the STAMM family” the chairman reminded everyone. We do not only solve the right problem but also solve the problem right, an attitude by which we create an agile mindset.
Furthermore the commitment to the 17 global goals of sustainable development by the United Nations was reiterated. An ongoing process.