Spectacular Delivery by ALE Philippines
ALE Heavylift Philippines has started the delivery of package 3 JG Summit Petrochem Project. STAMM is humbly proud to be part of the support team.
ALE Heavylift Philippines has started the delivery of package 3 JG Summit Petrochem Project. STAMM is humbly proud to be part of the support team.
STAMM is present at the 2nd Logistics Services Philippines Conference and Exhibition an event towards an innovative and inclusive logistics services Sector in the Philippines
The awarding took place 25th April 2019. Stamm is the best “Carrier” for the 4th Quarter of 2018 but came out only second for whole year 2018. Dow has introduced a new initiative on […]
STAMM is the local logistics service provider for the British ALE group (Abnormal Load and Engineering. The delivery of a 1350 Te crane was a job handled last January 2019.